Sunday, November 22, 2015


LeglessCorpse Films "Free Perks to crowd funding contributors"

LeglessCorpse Films the indie distribution company is venturing into their first original feature film 'Deimosimine'. Back in June LeglessCorpse Films launched a crowd funding campaign on indiegogo raising money for the creature creation and special effects. They raised 7K out of the 20K they were asking.

They are currently in production and announced the release of their first official trailer sometime next month that will feature a glimpse of the creature. Though they still need 2K to finish up the creature, that has not stopped them.

Tonight the contributors of the campaign got a huge surprise in their most recent campaign update. Their perks will be free, and each contributor will be reimbursed from the GROSS profits of the film, no matter how long it takes. Meaning they get to keep their physical perks AND get their money back.

This is one campaign that you wish you didn't miss right? Well don't beat yourself up to much, they are still raising money for the creature completion funds by pre-selling items on their official site, and yes each person that picks up an item to help raise the finishing funds will also be included in the reimbursement. So head on over and pick something up quick, as this "reimbursement" deal is the first of it's kind.

The director, Chad Armstrong, had this to say about the reasoning behind the decision, "We were blown away by all the support and felt this is the right thing to do. Instead of paying an investor back about a film they really don't give a shit about,  we'd rather pay the fans back".

Deimosimine is scheduled to have post production wrapped in January with perks and completed film by January or February 2016. Some of the current items available on their site includes $7.00 BluRays, limnited edition Posters, IMDB and screen credit on 3 films, premier screenings, and more. Go soak it all in, why not it'll be free

The film stars Rhiana Howell and Robert Nolan, with a screenplay by Andrew Thompson. 

Here's the entire post on the Deimosimine's official Facebook page...


So we were originally seeking 20K for the creature, we raised 7k after perk withholding's and Paypal and Indiegogo fees, we saw about 5k. But the good news is Mr. Balls, our creature, is currently being made. However, even though we were 15K short, we have been able to plug along, mostly because of our awesome cast and crew are working deferred because they believe in the project and with that money we were able to squeeze over to creature creation. However we are still 2k short before we can get him completed, that is not stopping us from moving forwards. He will be featured in our newest and first 'Official' trailer next month along with some other gruesome footage. So stay tuned and if you know some folks that would like to grab some perks that weren't around during the campaign have them checkout for some low-cost, mostly new items (I hate the term perks) that will help us reach that additional 2k mark to finish up the creature creation.

So what's the good news? This is something that I was thinking about after the indiegogo campaign finished. Myself and the producers are not in this for the money, this film will be a huge stepping stone for us and LeglessCorpse Films to continue to produce original films. Getting the film made means more to us than taking home the profits, seriously. How serious, listen up. We are forfeiting our pay... to you! Huh? you say?? Read on... So once the cast gets paid, any additional money made from the film will go back to you, until your contributions are reimbursed, then and only then will myself or the producers make any money. Yes, whatever you contributed will be sent back to you. So not only are you getting the perks you paid for we will actually use the other revenue to reimburse you all. This is a good faith offer meaning we wont be sending any contributors financial statements, and are by no means legally obligated to reimburse you in any given time frame, but one day you will either see a payment in your paypal account or a check in your mailbox, it might be 6 months after the film is complete, it might be a year, it might be two years, or longer (it all depends on how well the film does on the market), but we will do it! We will start with the first contributor and work our way down the list until all have been reimbursed. This in theory, makes you an unofficial "backer" of the film, and will have a vested interest is helping us market it when it's time. Because the more we sell on DVD, Blu-Ray, and VOD, the quicker everyone gets their money back. Plus we are putting our money where our mouth is!

This also goes for anyone helping raise the final 2k needed to finish our creature. So anyone who picks up anything from will also get reimbursed, so tell your friends. This, as far as we know, is a first in crowd funding. We want to show you how much your support means to us, and we want your support in future projects. By delivering what we promise will gain your trust, and envelope you in each and every film we make in the future.

Every time we pay a contributor off we will post it in the Deimosimine group for everyone to see. We may even post a list in order of who will be getting reimbursed first.

I thought about this long and hard, and finally decided it was the right thing to do, because without your support we wouldn't be making the film in the first place.

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