Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wanna Be In A Horror Movie?! Here's Your Chance!

What is it about the horror genre that drives a person to become a die-hard fan? Is it the blood? The gore? The fear? Or is it something much deeper than that? 

Whether it's through literature, movies, television shows, or games, this genre has generated a cult following unlike any other.

The Producers of 'Blood, Gore, Fear: The Inner Psyche of Horror Fans' are now booking interviews with horror fans from the tri-state area to hear their fascinating stories about what and why horror is their genre of choice.

Did reading Stephen King's 'It' help you overcome your fear of clowns? Or were scary movies your scapegoat from bullies in school? Did listening to heavy-metal music introduce you to the horror genre (or vise versa)? Or do you just simply love it for the thrill factor? 

If you have a compelling story or connection to the horror genre that you feel comfortable talking about on-camera, please e-mail with a brief introduction for the producers' consideration.  You can also contact BBP on Facebook give them a like and keep up to date on things to come.

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