Sunday, August 24, 2014

Horror, Sci-fi & More member announces first novel for 2015!!!!!!

With last week ending on high notes as well as a cover reveal for the post I am making here, this week well it just gets better!!!!!!!
What am I talking about?
Well Horror, Sci-fi and More member Shawn Vernon aka Nightmare from the page has taken that one giant leap and put his words to paper and it has become a reality!!!!! Shawn's first novel Book Of Damien: Hell On The Horizon. Shawn is tentatively aiming for next month for his book to be completed and handed over to the powers to be to be edited and pieced together to complete the final product.
The release of the book is set for tentatively Feburary or March of 2015. Which if you haven't guessed it means the book could be ready for release at Monster Mania 30 in March!!!!!!!
I personally couldn't be anymore prouder of my brother and can't wait to read what happens next cause I've only read the first two chapters and I want to read the rest. If you want to read the first chapter yourself he's not hard to find on Facebook himself or if you want to skip him cause your afraid to add random people then head over to Book Of Damien and check it out there yourself and give it a "Like".

reported by Bucky S.

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